Welcome to our website
Welcome to The Ewe Association of Houston (EAH), a non-profit organization founded in 1995 and a founding member of the umbrella organization of Ewes in North America, the Council of Ewe Associations of North America (CEANA).
The beginning of the Council of Ewe Associations of North America (CEANA), could be traced back to a meeting held at the Howard University Hotel, Washington, D.C. on September 3rd, 1994. Four Ewe associations were present at the meeting, namely the Ewe Association of Georgia (Atlanta), Milenovisi Haborbor (Chicago), United Volta Association (New York), Volta Club (Washington, D.C.).
The purpose of the gathering was to study the possibility of bringing all the Ewe associations, in North America under one umbrella. Mr. Ayenson, the chairman, for the occasion narrated a history of previous attempts at forming an Ewe organization, which could embrace all Ewe associations in the United States. He noted that in July of 1984, in search of this dream, two associations, the Ewe United Club of New York and the Volta Club of Washington, D.C. came together to form the UNITED VOLTA ORGANIZATION (UVO). It was hoped that the UVO would become the core organization, around which other Ewe associations could aggregate.
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